Ingredients and Its benefits

Moringa leaves benefits

Moringa has a rich nutritional profile and can provide seven times more Vitamin C than oranges, 10 times more Vitamin A than carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, nine times more protein than yoghurt, 15 times more potassium than bananas and 25 times more iron than spinach,
Moringa may have a range of health benefits, ranging from speeding up wound healing to managing blood glucose. However, further research into the benefits of moringa is necessary.
I Moringa contains many essential compounds, such as:
vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine)
vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin)
vitamin C (ascorbic acid), calcium, potassium
iron, magnesium, phosphorus, It is also low in fat and contains no harmful cholesterol.
1. Protecting and nourishing skin and hair
2. Treating edema
3. Protecting the liver
4. Preventing and treating cancer
5. Treating stomach upset
6. Fighting foodborne bacterial infections
7. Preventing rheumatoid arthritis
8. Treating mood and nervous system disorders
9. Protecting the cardiovascular system
10. Treating diabetes
11. Treating asthma
12. Preventing kidney stones
13. Reducing high blood pressure
14. Improving eye health
15. Treating anemia and sickle cell disease

Curry leaves
They can potentially reduce insulin resistance and regulate blood sugar levels. Promotes Heart Health: They contain compounds like rutin and tannins that have cardio-protective properties. Curry leaves can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart diseases and supports for liver health by detoxifying the body.

Nutritional value of black gram:
The protein content of black gram, also known as urad dal, is higher than that of other legumes. Dietary fibre, isoflavones,  iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B complex, potassium, zinc,  and phosphorus are all abundant in this food, and they all contribute to its remarkable recuperative powers.
Health benefits of black gram: 
Boosts energy
Increases bone density
Benefits your skin’s health
Positive effects on diabetes
Alleviate discomfort,
It’s a laxative
Great for cardiovascular health

Health Benefits of Green Gram
These little legumes contain nutrients that can do wonders for your well-being. So, let’s dive right in and explore the top 9 reasons why you should include green gram and green gram sprouts in your diet.
1. A Great Source of Protein
2. Beneficial for Cardiovascular Health & Lowering Blood Pressure
3. Helpful in Having Enough Folate in Pregnancy
4. Skin Benefits
5. Fibre-rich
6. Bone-building Properties
7. Strength to the Immune System
8. Useful in Weight Reduction
9. High Antioxidant Levels
Moong dal green gram without skin
Moong dal is one of the most favoured lentils in the traditional Indian cuisine which is based on the age-old Ayurveda principles. According to Ayurveda, moong lentils are believed to be Tridoshic, meaning they are capable of balancing any disturbances in the body (vata, pitta and kapha).

Health Benifits Ground Nut
Controls Diabetes
Prevents Cancer:
Boosts Memory:
Stops Hair Loss
Helps Lose Weight:
Healthy bones and muscles.
Skin Glow:
Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease:
Treat Gallstones

Health Benefits of Almonds:

Reduce Cholesterol
Almonds are Good for Your Heart:
Almonds Regulate Blood Sugar:
Almonds can help control Blood pressure levels:
Almonds have High Vitamin E:
Almonds Reduces Weight:
Almonds are Rich in Nutrients:
Almonds are Good for Your Eyes:
Almonds have a Rich Source of Antioxidants:
Almond Nourishes Skin:
Almonds Prevent Cancer:
Almonds Improve Your Brain Power:
Almonds are Best for Treating Anaemia:
Almonds are Good for Your Nerves:
Almonds Treat Acne and Blackheads:
Almonds Treat Stretch Marks:
Prevent Grey Hair and helps hair growth:
Almonds are Natural Anesthetics:
Almonds Increase mental alertness.

Health benefits Bengal gram
With its high potassium-low sodium content, Bengal Gram also aids in regulating your blood pressure levels, helping reduce the strain on your heart and giving cardiac health and function a boost. With a low glycemic index, Bengal Gram gets metabolized more slowly in our bodies and prevents insulin spikes

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

1: Acts as anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.
2: Loaded with antioxidants.
3: Reduces inflammation.
4: Manage type 2 diabetes.
5: Reduce the cholesterol levels.
6: Reduces blood pressure.
7: Protective against cancer.
8: Combat acne.
9: keeps your skin shiny and smooth.
10: Reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease 

health benifits of Black Pepper:

Ever wondered why is black pepper is called the ‘King of Spice’? Well, this is because this spice has loads of benefits for your body. Here are some of the facts about this amazing spice.
Helps in losing weight, Detoxifies your body
Prevents cancer, Cleanses your intestines and stomach. It consists of potassium that helps in regulating heart rate and high blood pressure
Helps in producing red blood cells, Rich in vitamin B and produces calcium, Prevents constipation
Prevents skin deformation & wrinkles

Health benefits of bird’s eye chilli:

Aids Digestion
If you keep having trouble with your stomach, you might want to try bird’s eye chilli. It  helps digestion by making more enzymes and gastric acid.
So, bird’s eye chilli helps the body digest food in this way. If you can’t get gas out of your body, you can also use chilli powder, which triggers gastric peristaltic movements to help the body absorb and get rid of gas.
Helps lose weight faster
People on a diet can add bird’s eye chilli to their plan, but they should only eat a small amount. Bird’s eye chilli not only helps with digestion, but it also helps with weight loss by burning fat cells.
Treats diseases
Bird’s eye chilli is good for your health in many ways. It kills fungi and treats infections, which can prevent more diseases caused by infections.
Eases pain in joints
Capsaicin not only makes food taste hot, but it also helps heal and calm joint pain. Capsaicin works to stop seizures by making muscles less tense.
Chilies can tell if there are cancer cells in our bodies and get rid of them without hurting the healthy cells. Again, this is caused by capsaicin, and a moderate amount of use is also strongly recommended.
Makes the heart work better and keeps it healthy
Heart attacks can be caused by high blood pressure, but they can also be stopped by taking bird’s eye chilli. In the long run, bad cholesterol and triglycerides will be gone from the body, which will protect the health of the heart. By opening and widening the arteries that lead to the heart, it also lowers the risk of a heart attack.
Helps fight stroke
Chili’s ability to improve blood flow also makes it less likely that someone will have a stroke, which is caused by veins getting blocked and blood clotting in the brain.
Increases appetite
The more endorphins that are made when you eat bird’s eye chilli makes you feel more hungry and eat more. Capsaicin is also used to make the endorphins themselves.
Maintains Immunity
The vitamin C in bird’s eye chilli helps keep the body from getting sick. In the long run, immunity is guaranteed and the body is well protected from diseases.
Reduces Fungi on Skin
 Capsaicin also helps reduce and get rid of fungi on human skin and rashes in general, since the rash is caused by the fungi.
Helps with headaches
Bird’s-eye chilli helps send pain signals to different parts of the body. This tells the brain to focus on something else instead of the pain in the body. So, if you have a headache, which is also shown by mucus coming out of your nose, try eating something with chilli on it.
Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent
Because it has anti-inflammatory properties, it is also a great herbal treatment for diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis, and nerve damage caused by herpes.
Helps get rid of toxins
Bird’s eye chilli can help the body get rid of toxins by making it warm and sweat. You can even eat the chilli with honey and lemon juice in the morning to help your body get rid of toxins all over.
Increase saliva levels
Bird’s-eye chilli makes you salivate more, which also speeds up your metabolism. Saliva levels have been used as a way to measure the health of the digestive system and to keep the mouth healthy.
Helps keep blood from clotting
Cardiac arrest, which can lead to a stroke, is caused not only by blocked arteries, but also by blood clots that make the blood flow in the body uneven. Atherosclerosis can be slowed down with the help of chilli powders.
Helps in hair growth
The bird’s-eye chilli helps get air moving on the scalp. When the flow of air slows down, hair can fall out until the head is bald.
Stops the rise of blood pressure
Bird’s-eye chilli can help keep the blood healthy, for example by getting rid of high blood pressure. Capsaicin makes sure that blood flows freely through the whole body, so that blood doesn’t build up and block the heart’s arteries.
Gets Rid of High Fever
The plant can be used for more than just the chilli that is eaten. One of the health benefits is that it can bring down a fever. It works best when mixed with other herbs like lettuce oil and put on the whole body or just the forehead as usual.
Heals Flu
The capsaicin in bird’s eye chilli can also be used to treat the flu and other illnesses that make it hard to breathe through the nose. This is because capsaicin can loosen mucus so that it comes out easily and in a watery form.
Keeps eyes healthy
The vitamin B2 in bird’s eye chilli keeps your eyes healthy, lowers your risk of getting an eyesore, and makes your eyesight better. Bird’s eye chilli is good for your eyes in the same way that carrots are.

Sesame white
White sesame seeds in your diet can improve various aspects of your health, such as cardiovascular health, digestive health, brain function, bone health, skin health, hormonal balance, liver function, inflammation reduction, and overall nutrient intake.

9 Powerful Health Benefits of Cumin
1. Promotes Digestion
2. Is a Rich Source of Iron
3. Contains Beneficial Plant Compounds
4. Help With Diabetes
5. Improve Blood Cholesterol
6. Promote Weight Loss and Fat Reductions
7. Prevent Food-Borne Illnesses
8. May Help With Drug Dependence
9. May Fight Inflammation

Brown rock salt
Salt is a soul ingredient of various dishes that infuses a specific flavor to food. In a simple language, salt is an essential part of cooking, we can’t even imagine a dish without it. Though finely powdered salt (table salt) is widely being used as a coarse but the pure form of salt exists named as ”rock salt”� also known as ”Sendha Namak”�.

Rock salt is also known by its various local names such as Sendha Namak or Kala Namak in Hindi, Shende lon in Marathi, Sindhalun in Gujarati, and so on. It is crystalline and mostly in white color though the color may vary from light blue, purple, red, orange, or gray. Almost 84 essential elements are traced out of 92, which are required for body growth such as sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, etc.

Benifits of Hing Asafoetida
Reduces Blood Pressure
Reduce Bloating and other stomach problems
Relieve Asthma
Relieve Menstrual Pains
Heal insect Bites and stings